Code coverage report for lib/config/exec.js

Statements: 85.42% (41 / 48)      Branches: 78.33% (47 / 60)      Functions: 100% (3 / 3)      Lines: 85.42% (41 / 48)     

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'use strict';
var path = require('path'),
    utils = require('../utils');
module.exports = exec;
 * Discovers all the options required to run the script
 * and if a custom exec has been passed in, then it will
 * also try to work out what extensions to monitor and
 * whether there's a special way of running that script.
 * @param  {Object} nodemonOptions
 * @param  {Object} execMap
 * @return {Object} new and updated version of nodemonOptions
function exec(nodemonOptions, execMap) {
  if (!execMap) {
    execMap = {};
  var options = utils.clone(nodemonOptions || {}),
      script = path.basename(options.script || ''),
      scriptExt = path.extname(script).slice(1),
      extension = options.ext || scriptExt || 'js',
      execDefined = !!options.exec;
  // strip any leading periods int he extension
  Iif (extension.indexOf('.') === 0) {
    extension = extension.slice(1);
  // allows the user to simplify cli usage:
  // but always give preference to the user defined argument
  if (!options.exec && execMap[scriptExt] !== undefined) {
    options.exec = execMap[scriptExt];
    execDefined = true;
  if (options.exec === undefined) {
    options.exec = 'node';
  } else {
    // allow variable substitution for {{filename}} and {{pwd}}
    options.exec = (options.exec || '').replace(/\{\{(filename|pwd)\}\}/, function (all, m) {
      Eif (m === 'filename') {
        return script || '';
      } else if (m === 'pwd') {
        return process.cwd() || '';
      return all;
  options.execArgs = [];
  if (options.exec.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
    var execOptions = options.exec.split(' ');
    options.exec = execOptions.splice(0, 1)[0];
    options.execArgs = execOptions;
  if (options.exec === 'node' && options.nodeArgs && options.nodeArgs.length) {
    options.execArgs = options.execArgs.concat(options.nodeArgs);
  // note: indexOf('coffee') handles both .coffee and .litcoffee
  if (!execDefined && options.exec === 'node' && scriptExt.indexOf('coffee') !== -1) {
    options.exec = 'coffee';
    // ensure that we call: `coffee --nodejs ...`
    Iif (options.execArgs === undefined) {
      options.execArgs = [];
    // if there's a leading argument to the exec that starts with `--` then
    // it could be --debug or --debug-brk or something else intended for node
    // so we'll add the --nodejs switch.
    if ((options.args || []).join(' ').indexOf('--') === 0) {
  if (options.exec === 'coffee') {
    // don't override user specified extension tracking
    Eif (!options.ext) {
      extension = 'coffee litcoffee js';
    // because windows can't find 'coffee', it needs the real file 'coffee.cmd'
    Iif (utils.isWindows) {
      options.exec += '.cmd';
  // allow users to make a mistake on the extension to monitor
  // converts js,jade => .js$|.jade$
  // and 'js jade' => .js$|.jade$
  // BIG NOTE: user can't do this: nodemon -e *.js
  // because the terminal will automatically expand the glob against
  // the file system :(
  if (extension.indexOf(' ') !== -1 ||
      extension.indexOf(',') !== -1 ||
      extension.indexOf('*.') !== -1) {
    extension = extension.replace(/\s+/g, '|') // convert spaces to pipes
      .replace(/,/g, '|') // convert commas to pipes
      .split('|') // split on those pipes
      .map(function (item) {
        return item.replace(/^[\*\.]+/, ''); // remove "*."
      }).join(','); // return regexp string like: .js$|.jade$
  // this final part ensures both multiple extension and
  // single extensions work
  // extension += '$';
  options.ext = extension;
  options.env = {};
  // make sure it's an object (and since we don't have )
  if (({}).toString.apply(nodemonOptions.env) === '[object Object]') {
    options.env = utils.clone(nodemonOptions.env);
  } else Iif (nodemonOptions.env !== undefined) {
    throw new Error('nodemon env values must be an object: { PORT: 8000 }');
  return options;