Code coverage report for lib/nodemon.js

Statements: 54.03% (67 / 124)      Branches: 35.38% (23 / 65)      Functions: 78.95% (15 / 19)      Lines: 53.28% (65 / 122)     

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'use strict';
var path = require('path'),
    monitor = require('./monitor'),
    cli = require('./cli'),
    version = require('./version'),
    util = require('util'),
    utils = require('./utils'),
    rules = require('./rules'),
    bus = utils.bus,
    help = require('./help'),
    config = require('./config'),
    eventHandlers = {};
// this is fairly dirty, but theoretically sound since it's part of the
// stable module API
config.required = utils.isRequired;
function nodemon(settings) {
  // allow the cli string as the argument to nodemon, and allow for
  // `node nodemon -V app.js` or just `-V app.js`
  Iif (typeof settings === 'string') {
    settings = settings.trim();
    if (settings.indexOf('node') !== 0) {
      if (settings.indexOf('nodemon') !== 0) {
        settings = 'nodemon ' + settings;
      settings = 'node ' + settings;
    settings = cli.parse(settings);
  // set the debug flag as early as possible to get all the detailed logging
  if (settings.verbose) {
    utils.debug = true;
  Iif ( {
    if (!config.required) {
  Iif (settings.version) {
    if (!config.required) {
  // nodemon tools like grunt-nodemon. This affects where
  // the script is being run from, and will affect where
  // nodemon looks for the nodemon.json files
  Iif (settings.cwd) {
    // this is protection to make sure we haven't dont the chdir already...
    // say like in cli/parse.js (which is where we do this once already!)
    if (process.cwd() !== path.resolve(config.system.cwd, settings.cwd)) {
  config.load(settings, function (config) {
    Iif (!config.options.dump && !config.options.script && config.options.execOptions.exec === 'node') {
      if (!config.required) {
    // always echo out the current version;
    Iif (config.options.cwd) {
      utils.log.detail('process root: ' + process.cwd());
    config.loaded.forEach(function (filename) {
      utils.log.detail('reading config ' + filename);
    // echo out notices about running state
    Eif (config.options.restartable) {
      // allow nodemon to restart when the use types 'rs\n'
      process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
        data = (data + '').trim().toLowerCase();
        // if the keys entered match the restartable value, then restart!
        if (data === config.options.restartable) {
    } else {
      // if 'restartable' is disabled (via a nodemon.json)
      // then it's possible we're being used with a REPL
      // so let's make sure we don't eat the key presses
      // but also, since we're wrapping, watch out for
      // special keys, like ctrl+c x 2 or '.exit' or ctrl+d
      var ctrlC = false,
          buffer = '';
      process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
        buffer += data;
        var chr = data.charCodeAt(0);
        if (chr === 3) {
          if (ctrlC) {
          ctrlC = true;
        } else if (buffer === '.exit' || chr === 4) {
        } else if (ctrlC || chr === 10) {
          ctrlC = false;
          buffer = '';
    Eif (config.options.restartable) {'to restart at any time, enter `' + config.options.restartable + '`');
    var none = function (v) {
      return v;
    utils.log.detail('ignoring: ' + (rule) {
      return rule.slice(0, 1) === '!' ? rule.slice(1) : false;
    }).filter(none).join(' '));'watching: ' + (rule) {
      return rule.slice(0, 1) !== '!' ? rule : false;
    }).filter(none).join(' '));
    utils.log.detail('watching extensions: ' + config.options.ext);
    Iif (config.options.dump) {
      utils.log._log('log', '--------------');
      utils.log._log('log', util.inspect(config, { depth: null }));
      utils.log._log('log', '--------------');
      utils.log._log('log', ['OS:', process.platform, process.arch].join(' '));
      utils.log._log('log', 'node: ' + process.version);
      utils.log._log('log', 'nodemon: ' + version);
      utils.log._log('log', 'cwd: ' + process.cwd());
      utils.log._log('log', 'command: ' + process.argv.join(' '));
      utils.log._log('log', '--------------');
      if (!config.required) {
    } else { = true;;
  return nodemon;
nodemon.restart = function () {
  utils.log.status('restarting child process');
  return nodemon;
nodemon.addListener = nodemon.on = function (event, handler) {
  if (!eventHandlers[event]) { eventHandlers[event] = []; }
  bus.on(event, handler);
  return nodemon;
nodemon.once = function (event, handler) {
  if (!eventHandlers[event]) { eventHandlers[event] = []; }
  bus.once(event, function () {
    eventHandlers[event].splice(eventHandlers[event].indexOf(handler), 1);
    handler.apply(this, arguments);
  return nodemon;
nodemon.emit = function () {
  bus.emit.apply(bus, [];
  return nodemon;
nodemon.removeAllListners = function (event) {
  // unbind only the `nodemon.on` event handlers
  Object.keys(eventHandlers).filter(function (e) {
    return event ? e === event : true;
  }).forEach(function (event) {
    eventHandlers[event].forEach(function (handler) {
      bus.removeListener(event, handler);
      eventHandlers[event].splice(eventHandlers[event].indexOf(handler), 1);
  return nodemon;
nodemon.reset = function () {
  // console.trace();
  rules.reset(); = false;
// expose the full config
nodemon.config = config;
// on exception *inside* nodemon, shutdown wrapped node app
Iif (!config.required) {
  process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
    console.error('exception in nodemon killing node');
    console.error('If appropriate, please file an error:\n');
    if (!config.required) {
module.exports = nodemon;