Code coverage report for lib/monitor/match.js

Statements: 41.33% (31 / 75)      Branches: 35.59% (21 / 59)      Functions: 37.5% (3 / 8)      Lines: 41.33% (31 / 75)     

All files » lib/monitor/ » match.js
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'use strict';
var minimatch = require('minimatch'),
    path = require('path'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    utils = require('../utils');
module.exports = match;
module.exports.rulesToMonitor = rulesToMonitor;
function rulesToMonitor(watch, ignore, config) {
  var monitor = [];
  Iif (!Array.isArray(ignore)) {
    if (ignore) {
      ignore = [ignore];
    } else {
      ignore = [];
  Iif (!Array.isArray(watch)) {
    if (watch) {
      watch = [watch];
    } else {
      watch = [];
  Eif (watch && watch.length) {
    monitor = utils.clone(watch);
  Eif (ignore) {
    [].push.apply(monitor, (ignore || []).map(function (rule) {
      return '!' + rule;
  var cwd = process.cwd();
  // next check if the monitored paths are actual directories
  // or just patterns - and expand the rule to include *.*
  monitor = (rule) {
    var not = rule.slice(0, 1) === '!';
    if (not) {
      rule = rule.slice(1);
    var dir = path.resolve(cwd, rule);
    try {
      var stat = fs.statSync(dir);
      Eif (stat.isDirectory()) {
        Eif (rule.slice(-1) !== '/') {
          rule += '/';
        rule += '**/*';
        // only needed for mac, because on mac we use `find` and it needs some
        // narrowing down otherwise it tries to find on the entire drive...which
        // is a bit batty.
        // `!not` ... lolz (sorry).
        Iif (utils.isMac && !not) {
    } catch (e) {}
    Iif (rule.slice(-1) === '/') {
      // just slap on a * anyway
      rule += '*';
    // if the url ends with * but not **/* and not *.*
    // then convert to **/* - somehow it was missed :-\
    Iif (rule.slice(-4) !== '**/*' &&
        rule.slice(-1) === '*' &&
        rule.indexOf('*.') === -1) {
      rule += '*/*';
    return (not ? '!' : '') + rule;
  return monitor;
function match(files, monitor, ext) {
  // sort the rules by highest specificity (based on number of slashes)
  // TODO actually check separator rules work on windows
  var rules = monitor.sort(function (a, b) {
    var r = b.split(path.sep).length - a.split(path.sep).length;
    if (r === 0) {
      return b.length - a.length;
    return r;
  }).map(function (s) {
    var prefix = s.slice(0, 1);
    if (prefix === '!') {
      return '!**' + (s.slice(0, 1) !== path.sep ? path.sep : '') + s.slice(1);
    return '**' + (s.slice(0, 1) !== path.sep ? path.sep : '') + s;
  var good = [],
      whitelist = [], // files that we won't check against the extension
      ignored = 0,
      watched = 0;
  files.forEach(function (file) {
    var matched = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
      if (rules[i].slice(0, 1) === '!') {
        if (!minimatch(file, rules[i])) {
          matched = true;
      } else {
        if (minimatch(file, rules[i])) {
          utils.log.detail('matched rule: ' + rules[i]);
          // if the rule doesn't match the WATCH EVERYTHING
          // but *does* match a rule that ends with *.*, then
          // white list it - in that we don't run it through
          // the extension check too.
          if (rules[i] !== '**' + path.sep + '*.*' && rules[i].slice(-3) === '*.*') {
          } else {
          matched = true;
    if (!matched) {
  // finally check the good files against the extensions that we're monitoring
  if (ext) {
    if (ext.indexOf(',') === -1) {
      ext = '**/*.' + ext;
    } else {
      ext = '**/*.{' + ext + '}';
    good = good.filter(function(file) {
      // only compare the filename to the extension test, so we use path.basename
      return minimatch(path.basename(file), ext);
  } // else assume *.*
  return {
    result: good.concat(whitelist),
    ignored: ignored,
    watched: watched,
    total: files.length