Code coverage report for lib/monitor/run.js

Statements: 49.12% (56 / 114)      Branches: 28.57% (20 / 70)      Functions: 33.33% (5 / 15)      Lines: 50.45% (56 / 111)     

All files » lib/monitor/ » run.js
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'use strict';
var utils = require('../utils'),
    bus = utils.bus,
    childProcess = require('child_process'),
    spawn = childProcess.spawn,
    exec = childProcess.exec,
    watch = require('./watch'),
    config = require('../config'),
    child = null, // the actual child process we spawn
    killedAfterChange = false,
    // timeout = 1000, // check every 1 second
    noop = function() {},
    restart = null;
function run(options) {
  var command = run.command(options),
      nodeMajor = parseInt((process.versions.node.split('.') || [null,null])[1] || 0, 10);
  utils.log.status('starting `' + command.executable + (command.args.length ? ' ' + command.args.join(' ') : '') + '`');
  /*jshint validthis:true*/
  restart = run.bind(this, options);
  run.restart = restart;
  config.lastStarted =;
  Eif (nodeMajor >= 8) {
    child = spawn(command.executable, command.args, {
      env: utils.merge(options.execOptions.env, process.env),
      stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe']
  } else {
    child = spawn(command.executable, command.args);
  child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
    if (config.options.stdout) {
    Eif (config.required) {
      bus.emit('stdout', data);
  child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
    if (config.options.stdout) {
    if (config.required) {
      bus.emit('stderr', data);
  utils.log.detail('child pid: ' +;
  child.on('error', function (error) {
    if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
      utils.log.error('unable to run executable: "' + command.executable + '"');
  child.on('exit', function (code, signal) {
    // In case we killed the app ourselves, set the signal thusly
    if (killedAfterChange) {
      killedAfterChange = false;
      signal = 'SIGUSR2';
    // this is nasty, but it gives it windows support
    if (utils.isWindows && signal === 'SIGTERM') {
      signal = 'SIGUSR2';
    if (signal === 'SIGUSR2' || code === 0) {
      // this was a clean exit, so emit exit, rather than crash
      // exit the monitor, but do it gracefully
      if (signal === 'SIGUSR2') {
        // restart
      } else if (code === 0) { // clean exit - wait until file change to restart
        utils.log.status('clean exit - waiting for changes before restart');
        child = null;
    } else {
      if (options.exitcrash) {'app crashed');
        if (!config.required) {
      } else {'app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...');
        child = null;
  run.kill = function () {
    if (child !== null) {
      // if the stdin piping is on, we need to unpipe, but also close stdin on
      // the child, otherwise linux can throw EPIPE or ECONNRESET errors.
      if (options.stdin) {
        if (process.stdin.unpipe) { // node > 0.8
      // When using CoffeeScript under Windows, child's process is not node.exe
      // Instead coffee.cmd is launched, which launches cmd.exe, which starts
      // node.exe as a child process child.kill() would only kill cmd.exe, not
      // node.exe
      // Therefore we use the Windows taskkill utility to kill the process and all
      // its children (/T for tree)
      if (utils.isWindows) {
        // For the on('exit', ...) handler above the following looks like a crash,
        // so we set the killedAfterChange flag
        killedAfterChange = true;
        // Force kill (/F) the whole child tree (/T) by PID (/PID 123)
        exec('taskkill /pid '+ + ' /T /F');
      } else {
    } else {
      // if there's no child, then we need to manually start the process
      // this is because as there was no child, the child.on('exit') event
      // handler doesn't exist which would normally trigger the restart.
  // connect stdin to the child process (options.stdin is on by default)
  Eif (options.stdin) {
run.command = function (options) {
  var executable = options.execOptions.exec,
      args = [];
  // after "executable" go the exec args (like --debug, etc)
  Eif (options.execOptions.execArgs) {
    [].push.apply(args, options.execOptions.execArgs);
  // then goes the user's script arguments
  if (options.args) {
    [].push.apply(args, options.args);
  // after the "executable" goes the user's script
  if (options.script) {
    args.splice((options.scriptPosition || 0) + options.execOptions.execArgs.length, 0, options.script);
  return {
    executable: executable,
    args: args
// stubbed out for now, filled in during run
run.kill = noop;
run.restart = noop;
bus.on('quit', function () {
  // remove event listener
  var exit = function () {
    exit = noop; // null out in case of race condition
    Iif (!config.required) {
    } else {
  // if we're not running already, don't bother with trying to kill
  if ( === false) {
    return exit();
  // immediately try to stop any polling = false;
  Eif (child) {
    child.on('exit', exit);
    // give up waiting for the kids after 10 seconds
    setTimeout(exit, 10 * 1000);
  } else {
bus.on('restart', function () {
  // run.kill will send a SIGINT to the child process, which will cause it
  // to terminate, which in turn uses the 'exit' event handler to restart
// remove the flag file on exit
process.on('exit', function () {
  if (child) { child.kill(); }
// because windows borks when listening for the SIG* events
Eif (!utils.isWindows) {
  // usual suspect: ctrl+c exit
  process.on('SIGINT', function () {
    var exit = function () {
          exit = noop;
          if (child) { child.kill('SIGINT'); }
    if (child) {
      child.on('exit', exit);
      // give up waiting for the kids after 10 seconds,
      // this is usually when the child is capturing the SIGINT
      setTimeout(exit, 10 * 1000);
    } else {
  process.on('SIGTERM', function () {
    if (child) { child.kill('SIGTERM'); }
module.exports = run;