'use strict';
var utils = require('../utils'),
path = require('path'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
fs = require('fs'),
// Attempts to see if fs.watch will work. On some platforms, it doesn't.
// See: http://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_caveats
// Sends the callback true if fs.watch will work, false if it won't
// Caveats:
// If there is no writable tmp directory, it will also return true, although
// a warning message will be displayed.
var changeDetected = false;
function check(cb) {
var tmpdir;
watchable.cb = cb;
changeDetected = false;
Iif (utils.isWindows) {
tmpdir = process.env.TEMP;
} else Eif (process.env.TMPDIR) {
tmpdir = process.env.TMPDIR;
} else {
tmpdir = '/tmp';
watchFileName = path.join(tmpdir, 'nodemonCheckFsWatch' + crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'));
watchFile = fs.openSync(watchFileName, 'w');
Iif (watchFile < 0) {
utils.log.fail('Unable to write to temp directory. If you experience problems with file reloading, ensure ' + tmpdir + ' is writable.');
fs.watch(watchFileName, function() {
fs.watchFile(watchFileName, function () {});
setTimeout(function () {
// This should trigger fs.watch, if it works
fs.writeSync(watchFile, '1');
// higher timeout to allow for windows to trigger the watch event
setTimeout(finish, 1000);
}, 250);
// Verifies that fs.watch was not triggered and sends false to the callback
// but if the callback has already been used (changeDetected), it won't call.
var finish = function() {
var watchable = module.exports = function (config, ready) {
check(function(success) {
config.system.useWatch = success;
if (changeDetected) {
} else {
changeDetected = true; // prevents the `ready` being called twice
watchable.check = check; |